I Medici

The Medici

Two different tours to know the history and the stories of the Medici: the family of merchants and bankers sons of medieval Florence, when the city was one of the most important european financial centers, and fathers of today city of art. Powerful bankers, at first, Grand dukes of Tuscany then.

Members of the family were Popes in Rome, Queens of France and, all of them, magnificent and munificent patrons of the arts.

  • Tour n. 1: We start visiting the first monumental residence of the family, the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi and the precious Chapel of the Magi decorated by Benozzo Gozzoli, we go on with the Medici Chapels celebrating the royal survival beyond death in the Chapel of the Princes and where Michelangelo announced the beginning of a new artistic language in the New Sacristy. In the Duomo, we evoke a dramatic moment in the history of the family: the Pazzi conspiracy.
    In Santa Trinita church we admire the portrait of Lorenzo il Magnifico, the hidden monarch of Florence, his sons, his friends and loyal allies. In piazza della Signoria, Bandinelli’s, Ammannati’s and Cellini’s statues tell us about Florence when the Medici had abolished the republican institutions and became Dukes.
    Beautiful artworks and also political messages in the political center of the city.
  • Tour n. 2: We start with piazza della Signoria, in the shade of Palazzo Vecchio, the ducal residence and nearby the statues symbolizing the vertues of the Medici Dukes.
    Following the Vasari’s Corridor (from the outside) which connects the new and the old residence of the Ducal family, we go across the river Arno, walking on the Ponte Vecchio we arrive at Palazzo Pitti, the new Grand-dukes Palace.
    Then we visit the Galleria Palatina, the most sumptuous museum of Florence, where paintings, statues, stuccoworks, frescoes, inlay of semi precious stones converge in the spectacular rooms to form a triumph of splendour and refinement overwhelming the visitors.
    The Baroque frescoes decorating the ceilings tell us about the times when the Medici and their court used to live in the Palace.

Price: 60 euros per hour (minimum 2 and a half hours)

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